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Monday, March 19, 2012

Big day big day big day!

I'm so excited so excited so excited! I feel like this little guy!

Today's a big day for me as I'm officially launching my new resume service website. Yay!

I want to formally say a big THANK YOU to those of you that wracked your brains and came up ideas for website names for me per my plea last week. Unfortunately I didn't choose any of them as I ended up going in a completely different direction. I picked "Artisan Custom Resumes"... partially because the word "Artisan" has sentimental meaning to me as it was part of the name of our family print shop we sold off, but also because I decided to go for a more "classy" approach. That thought makes me laugh a little though, and in true Stephanie form, I had to hunt down anything relating to trying to feel classy. I was successful though, as I found this!

Anyhoo- I worked all stinkin' weekend on this site and I am happy to present it to all y'all here.
Please take a look when you have a spare moment.
I would be HONORED if you'd refer people to my site or even consider using my services for yourself if you have a need.

Okay, now that the business type stuff's taken care of, on to the funny!

I'm going to keep today's ridiculous resume example simple, as quite frankly? It's late when I'm writing this and Ize tired.

Miss Yolanda's stupidity radiated from my screen on Friday while I was cruising through some job seeker resumes on Monster.

Here's what she titled her resume, in bright letters:


Ummm, no Yolanda sweetie. I don't even have to open up your resume to read it to know that YOR not going to be our next employee.

Peace out my peeps!
Stay tuned for more resume funny tomorrow!

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